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Old 5th October 2011, 06:31 PM
lomaca lomaca is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 1,096

Originally Posted by The Ocho
What rating program brings this sort of info up?
It is my own brew Ocho, but it is very easy and quick to find it on the supertab site too.
just go to the A-Z list on the left hand side, and click on the Jockeys opposite the race track and scan (fancy way of saying LOOK at it) it manually, same with trainers.

Takes about two minutes in all.

The important trick is to identify the capable jocks and then the horses.

You do not get many selections.

I have my favorites and sometimes they let me down but most of the time they don't, that is how I get such a good S/R.

Do not get carried away by single ride jocks, many times they only have a single ride because they aren't any good and have take what comes along.
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