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Old 14th October 2011, 02:33 PM
Stix Stix is offline
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Originally Posted by Bhagwan
The 100ptrs
If also one of RadioTAB selections

1st 33%SR -15% LOT

2nd 25%SR -13% LOT

3rd 20%SR -17% LOT

Average if in top 3 selections 25%SR -15% LOT

UniTAB prices.

So if using Betfair prices, for an approx 15% greater, which is accounting for commission.
One should approx break even if using Betfair.

That's not a bad starting point, just eliminate 1 selection from 8 races & your in profit by approx +12.5% POT.
Using Betfair prices.
Successfully lay 1 in 8 races & your miles in front.

Apparently I was reading somewhere that Backing all the 100ptr $20+ shots, shows a profit.
Hi Bhags

If I can be so bold as to ask....what is the S/R and av div of 100ptrs when not a Top 3 radio selection and is it the same for Metro and Country(&Provincial)?

Thanks, can you pls email me at stix _ hotcopper at aanet dot com dot au, might have another query or two, if you'd be so kind

Thanks In Advance
.......Giddy Up..... !!
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