26th October 2011, 09:12 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,428
One way of betting those $15.00+ shots is to divide the horses price into a set Take out figure.
Example using 2% of $1000 bank.
$20 divided by say 46.00 = O/L .43
Ret 20.00
O/L .43
Prof $19.60
$20 divided by say $17.00 = 1.17
Ret 20.00
O/L 1.17
Profit $18.83
Doing it this way , we a limiting the liability as much as possible.
It is also a way of betting where if it falls over , we are not going to lose any sleep.
A punter naturally feels uncomfortable placing the same amount on a $46 shot as to say a 4.00 shot.
They will often frighten themselves once they clap eyes on its high price & change their bet, only to see their original selection , get up to win at juicy odds - frustrating stuff.