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Old 1st April 2004, 07:47 AM
michaelv michaelv is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Sydney
Posts: 43

Michael, any reason why

Tue Gosfo R8-3 Mondreader lost
Wed Strat R4-1 Come on Rory WON $1.60/$1.10

were not included in the results since Sunday? These should make it 4 wins from 5 bets for the period since Sunday.

Also, the number of bets for the sample I looked at had only 3 first-uppers but only 1 won (@ $2.30) so this group probably should be excluded too...what do you think?

Now, as there will be a degree of overlap between the 4+ system and the 5+ system selections, will you be listing ALL the 4+ selections and ALL the 5+ selections separately even if there are some common selections? Billy Wizz and Always Fast from yesterday are 2 perfect examples of this overlap.


[ This Message was edited by: michaelv on 2004-04-01 08:50 ]

[ This Message was edited by: michaelv on 2004-04-01 08:54 ]

[ This Message was edited by: michaelv on 2004-04-01 08:55 ]
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