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Old 4th December 2011, 05:28 AM
Bhagwan Bhagwan is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,428

System of the year ha.
Thank you for that great honour Darky and I would like to thank my Mother and my Father and to thank God.

Its funny how not many of the 2.20-5.00 shots don't seem to win.
One would naturally think that they would have a distinct edge over their rivals.

Originally Posted by Bhagwan
Delete any odds on fav races. (<=2.00)

Won LS , first one we come to , working from top down list of runners.

Look for LSW first.

If no LS Winners then target LS 2nds.

Delete any resumers.

Laying Price 2.20-5.00

If the first one we come to going down the list is greater than 5.00 then its a no bet race, when Laying
The majority will usually be <=5.00
They are nearly always over bet to their actual chance of winning .

Remember to ignore any resumers, if laying.

Most of the selections will be around the 3.00-3.50 mark

Ocho did a test on this plan for a month & it did show a profit, if backing, of 17% POT but that was mainly due to a couple of larger prices getting up.
Anything 2.20-5.00 showed a substantial loss if backing.

Resumers with form figure of 1x
Actually show a profit of +27% POT
37.5% SR
Price 2.20+
Must be 1st or 2nd Favs.
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