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Old 15th December 2011, 09:09 PM
The Ocho The Ocho is offline
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Originally Posted by TWOBETS
Aha! the meat of the issue.

As much as I love and respect the Bhagwans of this forum I urge anyone who wants to get seriously large in this game to go to their nearest Uni and speak to a Mathematics boffin. Please don't waste your time working out how much the next bet should be for. This is taking your mind away from WHICH bet to make. If level stakes don't cut the mustard, a staking plan won't cut the mustard.

This isn't my opinion, my idea, my nothing. It's just plain, proven fact. Talk to the boffins....they know.

Thanks for all the comments so far.

TWOBETS, I don't quite get what you are saying. What will the boffins say?

This has nothing to do with a staking plan. I'm just trying out the system with level stakes. Again a $25 gain was had today if I stopped (which I did). That's 5 days in a row if I had of stopped from the get go (I've bet for the last 4 days). I know it's ridiculously early but 5 lots of $25 makes $125 while continuation betting would of made a total of only +$24 for the 5 days. (Current amount today is at +$59 but there was a $60 draw down so I would of been stopped out at +6 today if I was using the continuation mode).

It is the type of system that will be up and down and will require a stop loss however because of the up and down nature then maybe taking the profits is the way to go.

I know that share traders say you should cut your losses early (have a stop loss) but you should also let your profits ride however, with the horse trading that I do I will hedge my bets thereby usually giving me a profit at the end of each session which has adds up over time. Having a profit stop to me is the same as that. Yes sure the system could go gang busters one day (or maybe even more) but what I think may be worse is giving all the day's gains back because I was too greedy.
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