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Old 15th December 2011, 09:48 PM
TheSchmile TheSchmile is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 1,051

"The mathematicians amongst us would know that a staking plan does not enhance any system. That said, it is critical to get the staking level correct to suit the particular SR/dividend scenario."

Hi Twobets,

Not trying to take the Mick, just trying to clarify the situation as your last post struck a chord. In my other thread you stated 'the mathemeticians amongst us would know' and here you advise to go to the nearest Uni and speak to a mathematics boffin.

I think your advice in essence is sound as one could solve most of these arguments with a statistics 'boffin' but I'm not sure where you stand?

Can you provide statistics either way as to where The Ocho should go woth his idea?

The Schmile
The Schmile

"I buy when other people are selling.”
― J. Paul Getty
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