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Old 16th December 2011, 01:24 PM
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 204
Smile Keeping it simple, like me!

Afternoon, the Schmile.

I'm no maths brain for sure, but I have seen so much on forums around the world that are constantly discussing this staking plan or that staking plan.
All I was trying to point out is the futility of mucking around with them. It is a waste of time and effort.

Obviously if something other than the maths is involved then these are paths and points to ponder, but if it's just the maths your playing with then surely the over riding point should be that long term, any staking plan as such is useless. Of course marrying stake to one's bank, SR, volatility etc are all ultra important.

No Mick taken the Schmile , but my wife does say I'm a bit of a dill.
"Not winning on a horse that came first is one thing.....Losing on a horse that didn't come first is something else entirely!!!"
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