18th December 2011, 10:49 AM
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 1,494
Originally Posted by UselessBettor
The result from the website now is :
There were 33019 horse form lines in the database at this point in time. There were 1638 selections for the System
There were 1384 which Lost (did not win race) for the System for a strike rate of 84.49%
You had to pay out $1382.34 but brought in $1556.1 after 5% commission. This means a Profit or loss of $173.76 or a percentage profit/loss of 10.61%
Test Another System
The profit has increased over the last few weeks.
this one has failed so far since this was devised.
There were 43652 horse form lines in the database at this point in time. We update when we get time.There were 2256 selections for the System
There were 1891 which Lost (did not win race) for the System for a strike rate of 83.82%
You had to pay out $2023.67 but brought in $2143.2 after 5% commission. This means a Profit or loss of $119.53 or a percentage profit/loss of 5.3%
Test Another System
The Rules used were : WinPriceLay < 10 and barrier >= 9 and donScottRank >= 2 and careerRaces >= 5