18th December 2011, 05:24 PM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 259
Originally Posted by partypooper
Can't resist (I know its futile)
The answer is it doesn't matter really as your selections have a S/R that will always even out over time no matter what the method of selection including chucking a dart.
So whether you bet one a day, ten a day, place every second bet stood on head,and every 4th one with your fist in yer ear', the S/R will always stay the same (over time) see; someone forgot to tell your next nag to win cos the last one you bet on got beat, or visa versa, etc etc.
Having said that, it doesn't do any harm but you should be aware that you are not changing anything by going home early, other than putting a smile on someones' face!! maybe!
As i have said - its just delays the inevitable when you knock off early