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Old 26th December 2011, 07:01 PM
Barny Barny is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 1,091
Default I need some personal help

I KNOW this is inappropriate but ..... I'm in some bother coping ATM with an impending tradegy, and my behaviour is affecting my family. Tried Lifeline, counselling still on-going, been diagnosed with severe depression (some of you will know what that's like), friends, esp one who's been through this before, Salvo's every now and then ..... that's the best so far, medication, sleeping tablets do ZIP, don't have the get up and go to help myself (if you've not been through this you might struggle to understand), gave my job up to be a carer and struggling to get out among it again,

Not suicidal, but totally understand now, how it can come to that with certain people .... the hurt is amazing!

I KNOW this is the wrong place, and I don't mind if this is given the flick. Just any publically posted suggestions would be great. The traditional stuff isn't working.

Nothing anyone posts about me on here will have any detrimental affect at all, but that's why I think the mods might give this the flick = being subjected to mental stress. Hope not - there must be somethign out there ..... please.
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