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Old 26th December 2011, 07:44 PM
UselessBettor UselessBettor is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 1,474

My wife just went through this but had no idea why the sudden onset of depression (she ws diagnosed with Acute Adjustment disorder). At least you know the reason of the depression although I am sure that doesn't make it any easier for you.

My wife still has trouble sleeping at night but is a lot better now, still not herself but she is getting better. She got to a point which was unimaginable to me.

Some things that seem to have worked so far for her were the usual traditional things.

1. Depression medication
2. Fish oil
3. Mellatonine
4. Journal
5. Psychologist visits
6. Meditation music (mostly a thunderstorm while she tries to fall asleep)
7. Lots of exercise during the day
8. Constantly doing things.
9. Imersing herself in a hobby.
10. reading about depression and people who have recovered
11. reading the beyond blue book ( I think)
12. Being social.

Pretty much everything that they tell you do. I have noticed that exercise and constantly doing something really seem to help her. Even if it is just going around the shops and window shopping.

This time of year makes it very hard but just remember there is always a reason to get up in the morning. For my wife it is my daughter. For you it might be your wife, your kids(if you have any) or just for your parents. Having a reason to get better really helps.

The only person who can help you is you. If the meds are not working then ask them to be increased or changed. Different medications work differently with different people. Don't be afraid to get a second opinion if your doctor doesn't want to do anything.

Just remember it WILL get better but it takes time. I never really understood it till my wife got depression. Its hard. One of the hardest things you will ever go through., Just don't give up as it will get better. If you feel yourself getting worse please go to a hospital sooner rather then later. They are there to help.

A different doctors opnion could really help.... maybe its a medical problem like an overactive thyroid. By the sounds of it I would suggest going to the hosptial now anyway to get reassessed.
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