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Old 19th January 2012, 04:42 AM
Bhagwan Bhagwan is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,428

This looks interesting.
It also showed +8% POT for the Place 75% SR
5+ runners.

Approx 1-3 bets a day.

Win & Place betting 1x4
28% POT

Dist 1000-1100
Price 2.20-4.30
TAB No. 1-3
Barrier 1-3
Career strs 1+
Ignore Resumers

There were 107 selections for the System
There were 43 Winners for the System for a strike rate of 40.19%
There were $136.45 returned for WIN (after 5% commission) which means a Profit or loss of $29.45 or a percentage profit/loss of 27.52%

The Rules used were : WinPriceLay >= 2.2 and WinPriceLay <=4.3 and horseNumber >= 1 and horseNumber <=3 and barrier >= 1 and barrier <=3 and distance >= 1000 and distance <=1100 and daysLastStart <= 89
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