23rd January 2012, 05:25 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 589
Originally Posted by moeee
So - go to work , come home , eat , go to sleep and then go to work , come home , eat , go to sleep means you are a LOSER?
What do you actually win if you follow those ten commandments?
Get born , grow , die.
We all the same.
Some have purpose and enjoy life. If you pursue your purpose with intent, then the rewards come as a consequence.
Unfortunately most are educated to go to school, to get good grades and then get a good job and you will be made for life. This is not true. It leads to people not enjoying what they do. They are just working to survive. There is a direct relationship between the amount you learn and wealth. However if you work just for money then once you have enough you have nothing.
Whereas if you work out what you enjoy and do that with effort then you are alive.
Unless you see a difference then yes you get born, grow and die. A life left wanting.