Thread: Thoughts
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Old 27th January 2012, 11:23 AM
Barny Barny is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 1,091

moeee, gotta say some of your responses are fairly similar ..... ie; the overbet thingy. They ALL can't be overbet. Maybe you're struggling to find an angle. Me, I've just about given up on basic form, you know, the stuff that jumps off the page at you, form like 4s123 etc, etc, weights, jockeys, barriers, blah, blah.

Constructively putting together useful information is my aim. I cannot work out which horses are overbet tho', perhaps you could help me to identify them.

Bhagwan is one for suggesting the topweight is overbet (I'm generalising here Bhagwan), and my perception is that is totally the opposite in your general handicap field. Totally the opposite, I see the toppie as good value.

So moeee, could you give me a clue as to how you identify an overbet horse.
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