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Old 4th February 2012, 04:57 AM
Bhagwan Bhagwan is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,428

Hi Ocho.
With that Odds-on approach.

Can you set your Bot to bet to Price.
Where price is divided into a take out figure.

Example Betting to Price
2.00 into $10 = O/L $5.00 Ret 10.00 Loses
1.20 into $10 = O/L 8.33 Ret 10.00 Wins
Total O/L 13.33
Shortfall 3.33 = 25% down on O/L

If only one of these 2 wins , then we are only down 25% on O/L
It spreads the Liability.

Example Betting Level Stakes
If betting level stakes & the 1.20 shot wins & the 2.00 shot falls over.
Then it will be down 40% on O/L
2.00 flat stake 6.66 Lose
1.20 flat stake 6.66 Win Ret 8.00
Total O/L 13.32
Shortfall of 5.32 = 40% down to O/L

As we can see here ,there is a difference in the possible shortfalls between 25% & 40% shortfall amounts.
Meaning the selections at level stakes will have to work harder to break even.

This means the even money shots will have to out perform the really short odds on shots & we know that's not going to happen over a 100 bets.
Bet to price to get an improvement on returns.
It means you stand a stronger chance of losing less, betting to Price rather than betting to Level stakes.

You could also try Recovery, just for the fun of it, recovery staking set to 110%
This 110% is what makes the thing work really well instead of 100%
Betting 1.00 per 250.00 bank
Allowing for 8 outs in a row.
Min Price 1.55
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