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Old 11th April 2004, 08:24 AM
Felicity Felicity is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Canberra
Posts: 26

The price you used of $4.5-9.00 ,was that the Price Predictors or newspaper pre-post,

In the data run I used published SP's for BOTH limits. Sorry 'bout that.

I don't use PP (or anybody elses) software, it's not good enough. I write my own.

I get very tired of people like "crash" who defend "their" way to the death using abuse while keeping their eyes and mind closed to anything and everything that might help them.

Grow up, sonny.

Use successful punters like me to help you refine what you're doing.

I take ideas from the forum and test them. Most (like the magazine systems) fail, those that have a grain of sense I may eventually use, but most go into the bin.

For example..... why use price filters at all ???

Don't you trust yr system/selection method and need reassurance that you're on the right track ??

Prices normally contain an expression of all the elements that are generally used. If your method works then price shouldn't enter into its determinations, otherwise you're using someone elses methods in conjunction with your own and hence will get skewed results.

Oh BTW, crash darling, my silly stats calculations gave ME Rathlin yesterday at $17.20. 5 winners at Caulfield, 4 winners at Randwick, and 6 at Eagle Farm.

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