Thread: POT
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Old 8th February 2012, 10:38 PM
Bhagwan Bhagwan is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,428

I find the easiest way to look at such figures like 52% POT

Is to say in every 100 races bet at $1.00 on each selection.
Using $100 bank.

New Bank now stands at $152

AKA - ROI 152% (Ret On Investment)
This is always calculated on a theoretical 100 bets as in 100 percentile points.

52% Profit On Turnover (POT)
52 is the Profit between 100.00 and New Bank 152.00

If you wish to find out what the average price is.
Divide number of winners per 100 races (as in win %) into the 152.00 Return in every 100 bets.

40%SR for a 52% POT

40 winners / Divided into total return of $152.00 = Av Price $3.80

To check
40 x 3.80 = Ret $152 - O/L 100.00 = Prof 52.00
52% POT
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