14th April 2004, 06:17 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Queensland
Posts: 2,628
I will say this in response to what your saying I think currently the TAB can still get away with it because of the older punters who can't opperate a computer well enough to be confident to bet from home so they would rather go down to the pub, club or TAB because it is far easier for them to understand there.
I think as the younger generation gambler comes through that is when the problems will start with TAB. All of a sudden you have punters who have grown up around computers and would rather sit at home watch the races there and bet on the computer using a number of different of accounts.
All of a sudden TAB starts to see a greater dropoff in profits and so fourth and who knows what happens after that maybe there won't be any TABs anywhere 20 or 30 years down the track by that time maybe the only way to gamble will be phone accounts and internet accounts and possibly something we have not seen yet.