Thread: Systems Fear
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Old 7th March 2012, 01:21 PM
Chrome Prince Chrome Prince is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
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Originally Posted by AngryPixie
As I suggested to Chrome earlier I gave the lay the field method away as I'd regularly see weekly bank balance swings of +/- 2 or 3k only to end up with $70-$80 for my troubles. That's not enough margin for me Chief.

Hi Angry Pixie,

(lowers the cone of silence, and brings in Heimy).
KAOS has changed the SP market.
Heimi has been laying the field for me Chief, but KAOS has the claw (not the craw) to skim off the margins, hence Agent 13 (Angry Pixie) was only making $70 - $80 for his troubles.

So Max did a little investigation and asked K9 to sniff out the problem.
It seems Larrabee has been laying outsiders pushing the SP out on those horses.
K9 also reports that the massive swings comes from runs of favourites getting up.
They are profitable though, you just need to distribute the liability better.
Something along the lines of Mark's staggered staking.

For example, if there is an odds on favourite in the race and normally you'd lay the field to $30 liability. I lay every other horse to $60 liability, but only those in single figures, if there are any.

Siegfried has been doing this for a while and the rollercoaster smooths out considerably.

*TRIVIA: Don Adams father appeared in the episode "The not so great escape" as the oldtimer.
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