Thread: Help needed
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Old 15th March 2012, 01:09 PM
moeee moeee is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
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Thats all fine Vortech.

But then you may have someone who prepared their Ratings via a non Form Based Method.
Like the Neurals for example.
Points are allocated for various reasons , and I believe that Shauns Method of Ratings could be one of those type of Programs , but is sort of a educated guess as I don;t play horses and didn't disect Shauns freely available and generously donated hard work.

And the thing about the Link that NoRisk provided , allows for all sorts of Ratings Methods , although I'm not quite sure about Sportz Greyhound Ratings.
They appear similar to the old tipsters poll rather than Ratings as accepted in the usual sense of the word.
Fortunately Sportz has discovered his own method of converting his numbers into Prices.
And he must be doing just fine and dandy because he is now in his 3rd year or more.
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