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Old 23rd March 2012, 08:17 AM
UselessBettor UselessBettor is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 1,502

I assume you are talking about this post :


This is for layers.
Someone mentioned using the
markets, and that's pretty much what I do, with a little of my own input on
Saturday's & Holiday's.

I'll stick to the basis of laying for

Lay the fav to pay $110
2nd fav to pay $105
3rd fav to pay
Rest to pay $100

For beginners it's that simple.

I had a read and your followup posts but got lost.

Laying for $100 ? What do you mean by lay the fav to $110 ?
Is that your liability ?

For example if fav was $3.00 then you would lay it to profit $55 and lose $110 (disregard other horses for the moment). Or does it mean you would lay it to profit $110 and lose $220.

Or have I completely not followed this at all ?
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