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Old 24th March 2012, 07:28 PM
Mark Mark is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Qld
Posts: 1,400

Originally Posted by UselessBettor

I really appreciate your answers to what I have posted, especially posting an example. Your a top notch guy to be sharing it.

Just one more question and you have probably answered this elsewhere but do you use any software to make this easier ? ie there is software that you can click dutch once you have some horses layed already and it will do the others for you.

Thanks again.

Aw shucks UB.
As I put on the original thread, I have no worries about the markets disappearing as the amount of people that will do this is negligible, if any
The only "bot" I use is Gruss, thanks to Shaun. It just makes things that bit quicker as I do everything by hand.
As far as paper trading goes..........don't waste your time, just do it. Trial & error will soon tell you if you're able to make it work.
ps another win today despite a rash of favs in the middle of the day, and the shocking SP of SR6.
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