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Old 26th March 2012, 09:14 PM
axledog axledog is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 160

I agree to dis-agree. Many systems , rules , thoughts or ideas
posted here are just personal opinion. Thus a forum. I take all
on board and no-one can be guilty of error , how crazy the idea!
Any one claim to live off the punt , and relay the message publicly
on this or any other forum is a madman! I live to read new messages and
any in sight i gain is a bonus. Some systems ARE fanciful to say
the least , but some i can relate to , and if not using the entire system ,
adapt the reasoning behind the concept of why a certain rule
was put in the system ,(why was it was put there?) Sometimes these repeat , others dont.
Some systems good , others not. So i conclude (opinion only)
Do your own research (agree) but dont shut out ideas that you
yourself may have overlooked. These people on here could be the
answer your lookin for.

Good luck to everyone!
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