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Old 27th March 2012, 02:39 PM
Toil Toil is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 89
Default Python: from jazzy

Originally Posted by jazzy
'Cause I'm such a nice guy , here's a quick and dirty Python script I wrote a while ago for a mate of mine... Dunno if he still uses it...

It gets all the worksheets for the day and writes the favourites to a spreadsheet. Note, it is a quick and dirty script, there is no error checking, and if it has a problem with something it raises an exception and closes (default Python behaviour)

If you want to try it out you will need to install Python - get it from - get 2.7 not 3.x - it is not compatible and pywin32 (for the excel stuff) from - select the right version to match the version of Python you've got.

Anyway, it shows what can be done.

Does anyone know if this get_rands script from jazzy still works or am I not using python properly?
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