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Old 31st March 2012, 09:17 AM
The Ocho The Ocho is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 1,033
Question Another Question for Bhagwan

Or anyone else for that matter.

I think I've come to realize that having a bot running all day every day is the way to the poor house and so I've been thinking about stopping at a winner or stopping when in front type systems.

Bhagwan (or anyone else), is there something that I can try that can be preset on a bot where most days you can finish in front even after only a few races? Whether it includes some type of recovery or not doesn't matter however I think if you have a losing day then you should be able to get back in front after a maximum of 2 winning days.

I've gone back to your 3rd fave system stopping at a winner or 6 losers and, despite a horror run over the last week, it is just above water at the moment but I was wondering if there is anything else you could also suggest.

It doesn't matter if it is backing or laying more than one or two horses but the recovery can't be TOO high because then it could run into problems.

I suppose the other thing is that I'd have to watch out for the minimum bet on Betfair as I've attracted attention from them previously for betting under the minimum and of course my budget isn't too high either.

I've tried backing the first 3 faves but was not sure how to get that to work.

Any help or suggestions would be great. Thanks.
Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.”

― Earl Nightingale
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