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Old 1st April 2012, 08:54 AM
Shaun Shaun is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 3,457

With bookmakers it is not as bad a situation as they just make 1.5% less on the races, if they set a book at 20% and it runs well they make 18.5% on that race.

With the betfair model is different, i am not sure how they plan on taxing the lay side, i did hear that this would only effect backers but lets say this was true and on a race you backed a runner $1000 @ $10.00 your profit is $9.000 and betfair get $450 in comms they would have to pay $15 in tax.

If you were paying 2% comms they would still get $180 then have to pay $15 does not seam all that bad.
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