5th April 2012, 10:54 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 4,426
Originally Posted by Shaun
I will take bets it is an increase in all racing markets, why just get back to where you were when you have the opportunity to increase it.
I think it will be an increase in all AUS markets also.
They need to not only address this NSW situation, but also allow for future rulings as a precedence has now been set.
With commission as it stands, various additional premium charges and now a turnover tax, there is no doubt that at the lower end of the market other products will be better for backers.
One question remains, will they calculate turnover as they do matched amounts, i.e. back plus lay, or only the backers stake.
If it's both, then I'm in huge trouble.
1.5% of turnover is a massive hit, considering 1% in commission reduction makes such an impact calculated on winnings only.