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Old 5th April 2012, 12:31 PM
moeee moeee is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 5,359

Hi Shaun
Thanks for your interest.

What I have is the past 5 runs of an animal with the oldest run in Column B and the latest run in Column F
As this animal has a new run , I need to introduce this new run and eliminate the run 6 starts back.

So in the Worksheet , I need to move all the figures in a row , 1 to the left.
If the animal only has 4 or less runs , then I dont wish to do that.

The Manual version of what I do is I look to see if the Cell in Column F is more than zero.
If it is , then I select Cells C to G , and copy and paste them over the top of Cells B to F.
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