6th April 2012, 10:32 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 5,359
Seems your not getting it Shaun.
Picture this.
The Sheet I posted is actually a physical sheet of paper.
At the end of the day I need to add a new set of figures to Column G.
Some Cells will have numbers and some will remain blank.
If a Row now has 6 numbers next to its name , I need to make it only 5 , and this is accomplished by clearing Cell B and transferring all the numbers across to the left.
So B will now hold the previous C , and C will hold the previous D and so on.
If the Row does not have 6 numbers , I leave that Row alone.
I stated in earler Post that this happens when a Meeting has concluded.
This is where I messed up and got you into trouble.
It should be when the "Day" has Concluded.
I do this so the Sheet will updated and be ready for tomorrows Studies.