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Old 9th April 2012, 03:24 PM
UselessBettor UselessBettor is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 1,500
Default Using my brain for once -- My results from today

As many people already know I use systems because patterns should prevail and hopefully find some value.

Well today I gave it a different go by just using my opinion based on current odds and a quick glance at the form guide.

I have had enough for today and spent about 2 hours watching the races.

I use a lay to liability ($20 risked) and decided if I lost the $20 that would be it for the day. I ended up laying 24 selections and had a minimum return of 10c. Obviously 10c meant a maximum odds of approx 180 was acceptable.

The return I got was $20.78 after all commission is paid (5%).

I thought many of these selections were mispriced by a long way. I also saw many selections go at long odds which I thought should be much lower (for example Pinjarra Race 3 which was an unraced horse going off at over $100).

I stayed to horses which were mostly in the $10-$50 range and were obviously not running well, couldn't run the distance or were up against far superior compeition compared to their last few races.

The thing is the whole time I was going through this I could see that the whole process couldn't be automated. Each race had its own patterns to apply that I identified and the same pattern which I identified may have been applicable to one race but not another. By pattern I mean an undervalued situation that my brain picked up fairly quickly.

In this day and age maybe a person does have an edge if they use their brain compared to all the systems and ratings out there. The brain is a mysterious thing but I will say I was extremely confident in all my selections losing (only one of them ran a very long third and the rest were 5th or worse).

Anyone wish to comment on their thoughts ?

I will say I think my brain picked up these situations because I have watched so many races and analysed so many form guides. If I had not done this and built my skill level I probably would have failed today.

Anyone one day does not win the war but its nice to have a good profit for me when I bet such little stakes.
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