Thread: Form guides
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Old 10th April 2012, 10:03 PM
Pauls123 Pauls123 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 245

Hi and thanks for that Rails Run. That first site you gave me, I just read the first article, very indepth stuff there. But where in Australia do we get that sort of info. I'll have a read of the other articles on that site also, they seem to be a good read.

The second site you gave me, yes I already found that one. When I looked at it, I thought to myself, this isn't any better really than what I come up with myself.

Just talking about "tempo's" of a race, jockeys must have a stopwatch in their brain. Take my comments on Metal Bender's previous run where I said it was run at a slow tempo. The average of the first 3.5 sectionals was 7% slower than the average of the final 3 sectionals. After looking at countless sectionals over the years, the initial sectionals compared to the last 3 are always somewhere in the range of 2% faster to about 9% slower. And those race callers are brilliant also. Watching the replay of a race, and looking at my spreadsheet, the race caller comments on the tempo of a race and it pretty well is exactly what my figures are telling me.

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