12th April 2012, 02:45 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 3,408
Originally Posted by Raven
A bit of scare mongering going on here. Those of you that do high volume / low margin trading/laying or whatever, for sure the goal posts have been dismantled. But I'm not sure Betfair will be sorry to see the back of them. But for old-fashioned pure speculators that back their opinion & lay / backand earn a higher margin, say 20% after comm, this will decrease their profit, but a good profit will still be made.
I'd much prefer a 1.5% fee plus 5% comm on each winning wager and do away with this PC nonsense altogether.
This is where you have it a bit wrong this will be just added to the lot, PC is here to stay and may even grow larger.
One Drive
"If the corporates are treating you poorly , just go elsewhere."
"If they need you , they will soon find out."
"If you need them , you will soon find out." --moeee