20th April 2012, 07:39 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 5,359
Seeking Maths Help
I have a Formula which suggests the Correct Win Wager Size to take advantage of the size of the Overlay.
( Market Odds/Rated Odds - 1 ) / Rated Odds
Sometimes the animal is well Under the assessed Rated Odds and therefore is not a betting proposition.
I wish to take advantage of the LAY betting at Betfair.
Could someone convert the above Formula so that it applies the exact same procedure for animals that are UnderLays?
I figure that now I am betting the animal will lose , so the LAY Rated Odds will be 100% minus the Rated Odds Percentage and then divide that into 100.
And I figure the Market Odds would be 100% minus the available Lay Odds Percentage divided into 100
If anyone ken what I am on about , am I right?
If anyone has some idea what I am after , could you please post the Formula?