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Old 27th April 2012, 01:18 PM
bernie bernie is offline
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 148

Originally Posted by moeee

How do you stake Bernie?

If you gone that many wagers into a sequence without realizing a Profit , then it might be a brilliant idea to simply throw it all away in desperation and start again.
Hi moeee,

lol @ your reply to jose. Mine would have been try it and see. If it fails there are many others of Bhagwan's just as good.

To your question, I don't stake. I don't bet, or gamble as I prefer to call it. Studying systems has been a hobby of mine for over 40 years. Needless to say, I haven't found the winning formula and I guess I never will. However, it's a good work out for the grey matter and I enjoy the challenge of trying to find something that "works".

It's not hard to find a system that breaks even but trying to get something that remains in profit is another matter. I've never studied laying as for the life of me I can't see the point in picking losers. Going to the races yelling for the horse to slow down, fall over or what ever lay bettors do, is not my cup of tea. Yes, I do occasionally go to the races. I bet about $2 per race just for fun.

Yep, many punters chase loses. In my opinion chasing loses will never work unless one can accurately predict the length of a losing sequence. Something no one, to my knowledge, is capable of.
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