22nd May 2012, 08:45 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 5,359
Good question
Same thing happened when I went from 76 kgs down to 57 kgs.
When do you stop they asked.
So I stopped because I couldn't think of an answer.
And the result is that the 76kgs is almost back again.
10k is the goal.
I am hoping it is the impetus to get me to realize that I might be able to have a fair dinkum shot at this.
At the moment I am relying simply too much on Luck.
Method? - There ain't no Method!!
Its just plain old fashioned Form Study.
I'm sure i have revealed what I am doing somewhere amongst my 5,000 posts.
Until i can be a true believer in my abilities , I can hardly reveal anything more than I have to date.