19th June 2012, 05:26 AM
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 217
Looking for Value
Not being a Maths guru I hope some of you can give me a hand. I hope some others can see something in my fuzzy logic and help to clarify my thinking.
The fact that on this site we only have five minutes to edit does complicate things a bit, especially when one does not know what they really want to say.
( Does that make sense ? )
Ok. He's my thoughts. None of my starting points might be logical, but you have to start somehere, it's ok to point out the negatives but please the rubbishing out of it because that helps nobody and certainly makes other newbies reluctant to join in. Sometimes, you need new blood, just to relook at things from a different perspective.
My line of thinking at the moment.
1. To win over a period, I have to find a value horse to repay my losses.
2. The take from the TABS is 15%, but they also round down, so Maybe that might take an extra 2or 3%. I do not know, others might. So. if the real take out is 18% then we only have an available pool of 82%
To make things easier, and adding in a required P.O.T of about 3 to 5 % means that we are dealing with a pool of about 75 % to get our returns. ( ? )
3. So, taking one step at a time. What are the minimum odds needed to break even with a 25 deduction.
4. Having got this ( magic figure ) maybe, then taking our SR into consideration, we can work out, where we should be looking and where to avoid.
Make sense? probably not. When I reread this later I will probably say, " what was I thinking. "
I have to hit the send button quickly before I re read and cancel the whole post.