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Old 23rd June 2012, 05:56 PM
garyf garyf is offline
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 360

Hi Star.

I must admit you have me completely bamboozled in trying,
To help you out here.

What you are saying if say in the C/P column A HORSES,
Rating or number continually alters.

Let's look at SAY FLEMINGTON R=5

Go to set preference scale put the C/P in as 5.
Then mark everything else to=0

NOS=3- -40.0
then 5 horses on 11.7.
Every other setting should be showing=0.

What you say is the above figures keep changing during the day,
So nos 3 in the C/P might alter to 35.0 nos 10 may become 20.5 etc.

Forget the order i just want to know if the above example,
I have given is correct.

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