23rd June 2012, 07:02 PM
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 217
In reply to " garyf ". You might be a few steps ahead of me on this. What I did was to put O in each category.
The results showed the order of the new neural order. I did not bother to look at the individual column. They may well have been nought in each, I will pick a few races for tomorrow or Monday soon and record the time and results.
What I was concerned with is note the Numerals rating number, but the combined total which should give me an order for all the combined settings.
But, I had O in all yet they still recorded a Neural preference order. In the few races I looked at their was a different combined neural order. I would have expected a void sign or error but did not.
So, if we set O as our default and it still comes up with a Neural prefernce order, when in my opinion it should not give an implied order at all, then maybe they have some hidden defaults in there even though in the individual columns it is not shown.
I do not know, and I may be writing utter crap, but I will watch it more closely now.