24th June 2012, 07:10 AM
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 217
Well, I have had a good sleep and ready for battle. Looked at the Neurals again and rejigged them to try to take some inconsitencies out of them yet still come close to my original neural Order.
It appears to me ( ? ) that some of their filters affect others , ( ? ) so what I have done is reduce or negate them because my final filters away from the neural eliminates or sorts it out hopefully.
So, without further ado, I am coming back for one more public flogging and shaming.
My System 1 has two bets today. I had worked them out a few days ago. With the adjustment to the starting Neurals which are now slightly different to what I started with I was able to come up with the same two horses,
System 2 which was the original reason for my query on the shifting sands of the neurals has no bets today because I only use that on Metropolitan tracks because of the sheer volume of bets.
So, today.
Casterton. R2 H2 Universal Sound
Sunshine Coast R7 H 10 All Coin
This system is on a run of outs of 2.
I am using an old spreadsheet I think I got from here a few years ago. Unfortunately, when I had my draw down I restarted the spreadsheet so do not have the back figures or statistics anymore.
If anybody can point me to some information on Spreadsheets I would appreciate it although the one I got from here is doing a great job. One of the old regulars on here put it up.
It has a chi square formulation built into it as well but I am not to sure if that is in working order. Some of the columns are password protected so I cannot use that but it suits my purpose.
Some of the hardheads on here obviously look at things I have never thought off and that is the value of this forum.
I do not mind putting these selections up before the race because of the replies and help given here. Sometimes you have got to give a bit and hopefully some snippets of information or angle is provided back that was never thought of.
Although, going on yesterday's result that should be a filter enough to stop anybody running with my ideas. ( lol )