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Old 25th June 2012, 01:36 PM
Star Star is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 217

Originally Posted by AngryPixie
Star sorry but judging a selection method on an arbitrary run of outs makes no sense. We touched on this in your other thread. The likely runs of out are determined by the average starting price of your selections and therefore is going to vary greatly from selection method to selection method. Much better to judge a system on its edge/advantage.

Thanks for the reply Angry. Yes, I know it makes no sense, But their is at least three issues here for me to consider.

Issue 1. The system was targeting the wrong races. In my opinion the Eliminators, to me, did not suit the race distance and defied Science. Somebody touched on something similar in the races they concentrate on for the very reason I am doing the opposite and for different race distances.

Issue 2. The changing sands of the neurals meant that I did not have a starting point that was consistent. I may as well have thrown a dart.

Issue3. Their was just too many bets per day and I did not have the time.


Having said all that, The new System is still basically the same as the one I jettisoned but it concentrates on a more targeted distance. I appreciate your comments about starting price and expected outs and not to concentrate on a fixed run of outs.

Having said that, for me to record that information, is it possible for you to tell us what information you record in your spreadsheet. Also, how you assess if a System is worth pushing on with.


Thanks and please keep reminding me as I appreciate your input.

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