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Old 27th June 2012, 05:44 PM
Star Star is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 217

Originally Posted by mattio
Hi Star,

It depends on how they are developed, my ratings can sometimes change quite a bit after scratchings as I rate using a ranking method so if a horse is scratched the ranking order will change and this can have an affect on 1 or more of the factors used to rate. Sometimes its not just as simple as moving horses up in the ratings order with a scratching.



That seems to be what others have said too. But its too complicated for me to understand.

While it must be true, I still fail to see if Horses are ranked 1, 2, 3, & 4 and Horse two is scratched that regardless of the factors built in ( unless it involves some head on head data ) that Horse 3 can go anywhere else but to two and Horse four to three.

I have difficulty seeing how, Horse four can jump over Horse three and go to two if the original Horse two is scratched in some circumstances. But it must happen .

That is why I am now going by the original Neural ratings, writing them down and just moving them up the order to take the scratchings place.

It looks to complicated for this Bonehead but I yield to greater and more experienced guys on here.

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