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Old 28th June 2012, 12:34 AM
mattio mattio is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 268

Originally Posted by Star

You sound just like the advice U.B. gave. With you having10 Systems do you not find that one or a few can canabalise the others.

Eg If you are betting short prices averaging $3 like you say but you have 10 systems how often do you get a clash in a race. And when you do, would you not find with the short prices that your outlay will be greater then the return on that race.

I asked a similar question in another post about something similar which referred to SR but really it might apply egually here.

When you say you get a 50% SR is that per race or total number of selections. In other words does your 50% get help from maybe having more then one horse in a race but in different systems and then that race only counts as one, even though you have two chances.

I am confused!

Sorry to confuse you Star, no the systems do not canabalise each other - quite the opposite actually. The 50% S/R over the past 6 months (52% actually) is per selection and in that time there have been no races with multiple selections. There have been races where multiple systems have selected the same horse and in these situations the S/R and POT have grown in relation to the number of systems that have selected the horse - the more systems that select the same horse, the higher the S/R and POT.


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