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Old 30th June 2012, 08:09 PM
Posts: n/a

This is my first attempt with a ratings system so I might be well off the money.

I'm using a point allocation system based on the variables that perform the best over certain races.

I use the base rating per Bet Selector and apply points based on certain variables.

I have about 75 variables at the moment with different weightings applied.

At the moment I have tested back to 2001 with

473,930 races bet
A loss of $49,050.10 on NSW (Around 10% loss)

My target is around 10% profit so still a lot of computer hours to go.
The challenge I find is when two variables combined produce a better result.

I still think the number one variable in the game is the jockey. Have to be careful as they are over bet but geez its frustrating with a good horse that sits 3 wide or from a wide barrier the jockey sits out the back with a slow tempo.

Star what I have learnt over the last couple of years is to read read and read more about different opinions and test on your own merits. It is very difficult to make a consistent profit and you need patience. What some say is a stupid idea, with the twist of a rule or two can be a good idea.

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