1st July 2012, 08:29 AM
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 1,091
A certain poster on here said Ratings take everything into account. This poster uses R&S Ratings I believe.
IF your commercial Ratings take everything into account, then they've weighted ALL the Variables to achieve an optimum outcome. IF you apply your own filter / s to these ratings then the weightings of the Ratings variables will be tipped over so that they're out of whack / sync, and not how the developer had set them up. They will then be heavily weighted towards the filter you applied. And, the filter you applied may also impact directly on other filters, so it just ends up like a dogs breakfast and the logic of the original set-up is out the window ..... and you wonder why it doesn't work !!!!!
IF your commercial Ratings take everything into account, the ONLY filter you could apply is a price filter.