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Old 2nd July 2012, 06:48 PM
Shaun Shaun is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 3,408

AngryPixie– “There's dozens and dozens, even hundreds of potential variables you could measure, most of which aren't independant so in using them you're in fact doubling up on your measurements.”

I agree with this 100% and this is the reason i say if you have any more than 12 filters in your ratings you are wasting your time unless these filters are totally different from each other.

The main problem is deciding what filters contradict each other, most people use the main filters but as mentioned the unitab ratings takes in to account some of these filters as does price because this has been assessed using similar filters.

The real difference is the way we asses say the last run how important do you regard the beaten margin and is it more important than the beaten margin of the run before that.

The same can be said about the other filters you use, some put a lot of importance in prize money won in the last 12 months where others will use a lifetime avg or maybe a race avg.

this is what makes your ratings different from others because with the amount and ease of access to information these days it is hard to find a new filter that has not already been used.

I like to use PPP and unitab ratings as a guide, it tells me that the rating i have given a runner is reasonably accurate as the best guide to a horses chances is it's price.
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