3rd July 2012, 09:07 AM
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 217
Originally Posted by moeee
I believe the important criteria was that the above conditions only apply to a certain subset of races - Those being , the few races that the member finds playable.
And in the members case , I think he is trying to remove the unknown factor from his races as much as is possible.
The unknown in these seeming Overlay situations are that there must be something wrong with the horse in todays event because it is simply much too generous Odds and BookMakers , as we all know , are not a charity.
True, Bookies are not charities. But I think that statement becomes blurred when they are now Tote watches, The Corporates certainly are and if they follow the Tabs who definately are market driven less their take then they fall in line.
Top Fluctuations and SP are so close in all races that tells me the market defines and it is the weight of money that decides.
Now, this brings up another interesting question. Where does the bulk of the money come from. Is it a few professional syndicates, or is it the sheer number of small punters or is it from something more sinister like ( Laundered Money ) I do no know , had to throw that in.
But, if we had some idea of the money trail and its connections then that might be something to factor in or to eliminate.
Maybe it is posssible to try to pick which races are of interest to this ( Money ) and either follow or avoid.