Originally Posted by garyf
The original question was this..
How much energy has the horse lost in being floated,
To the track especially long trips on hot days.
Actually speaking there Vortech this part concerning,
A horse travelling from one place to another was someting,
I had never considered.
Last year a ratings service ran some contest that i won can't remember,
Exactly what it was but the prize was a free copy of Edition=2,
Trevor Johns book racing my perfect investment.
Chapter=5 page=19 is the heading,
"Have horse will travel" talks about,
Trainers who float there horses long distances,
In search of a race to win.
It poses the question why would a trainer in this day and age,
With float costs etc travel way out of there territory to win.
He goes on to explain that a few years ago in February,
Race 4-12 a horse called plan ahead was entered in a 3yo quality.
He said in fact it was just a race, just a normal 3yo race, pure and simple.
Plan Ahead was the only horse the trainer was bringing from Stawell
Around 505 km away and a 1,000 km round trip.
The horse was 5th up from a spell and in his last 3 runs had suffered bad luck in the run including 2 runs with severe interference.
He says so based on that little pen picture what price would you be happy with.
It won and paid $67.00 doesn't say what tote or bookies.
There are others examples as well.
Got me thinking both ways as my previous post.
Now look what i have done another "BARNY" post,
About to appear re his ideas think outside the square,
Can see what he is trying to say not sure if he uses this?.
I use this in one of many non-conforming filters you could say.
Let me say this you have to spend money to make money,
Even though this book i won i have spent plenty over the years,
Buying systems books and subscribing to paid rating,
Services to get where i am today.
Rules from systems books and experience is what i use Gleaned from all that money spent over the years.
And i will continue to do it.