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Old 20th July 2012, 06:39 PM
Barny Barny is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 1,091

Originally Posted by Star

I'd like to see a new thread started on them. You will not get howled down by me.

One of the ways to do it is to put a few up and let's try to see if they are Myths or Truths. Bit like that program on Pay TV. " The Myth Busters " It will go hand in hand with the Calf Path

Some people take things too seriously, but I do like the idea of ; The Myth Busters ' Maybe it might have some legs here.

Those that criticize too fiercely, do this forum a great diservice because unless you have a thick skin you will slink away never to be heard of again.

Once you have been in this game for awhile you seem to take on the persona of the norm. Sometimes, a newbie might say something out of context or is plain wrong in the context being discussed but just maybe, under different circumstances might need to be investigated further .

I am trying to look outside the square,

I don't think we've got the type of contributors at the moment to get Myth Busters up and running. It's a completely different forum now compared to many years ago. In the "past" there was much discussion around handicapping principles, practical information regarding the horses fitness, plenty of systems and discussions, and plenty of decent threads that took up 30 odd pages, including one of my fav's the longshot method. There were people like "crash' who infuriated some, but had a wealthy of handicapping information, and was willing to share.

One of the best threads we've had for a while, Pareto Principle, originated some 6 - 7 years ago on here ....

At the moment it's more or less a trading environment.
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