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Old 3rd August 2012, 03:40 AM
Bhagwan Bhagwan is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,428

Maybe they didnt pay that CEO the wage increase he demanded and this was his way of getting back at them.

Either that, or he is a complete dumb bum.

If they wanted to increase the turn over, then reduce the 18.5% take to say 11.5%
This includes that sneaky rounding down on amounts .50 & greater
This should increase their turn over, because punters will usually re-bet what they have won because they dont know when to stop betting until they have run out of money.

More money won - therefore more money bet.

You don't give an advantage to an eclectic few.
That's like giving money to the banks, who tend to keep most to themselves in the form of bonuses, instead of the Tax payer who pays 10% GST when spending it within the general economy.
The Govt. soon gets it all back in the form of all those 10 percent's' being turned over many times.

Same applies to the TABs
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